Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Magny Cours

Hello all

We travelled to Magny Cours wishing to improve like every round. On Thursday I was on a trackwalk with Jeremy McWilliams which was a big help for all of the weekend. I had never driven in Magny Cours before so first half of the free practise was all for learning the track. I liked the track really much and by the end of the practise I found the speed to post second fastest time of the practise. Qualifying was wet for us and as I haven't had many time on wet tyres I was a bit afraid of it. That wasn't too bad actually and I was posting top ten times all the time before the red flag came out. That was not good for me as I was on a fast lap but 9. on the grid was okay. Race started good for but soon the Finnish wild card had a technical error when going out of the corner and I lost a lot of time there. First group was gone so I had to do my best to be first in the second group. On the fifth lap there was a red flag and because we had less than half of race distance done there was a restart after second race of Superbike. Before the second start there were spots of rain on the track so we had to decide which tyre to use. Because there was only some spots my team and I decided to go with the dry tyres. The track was dry so it was a right choice. Start went good and soon I was running second and third. Sebestyen was a little bit away from us so me and Fernandez started to chase him. To the last lap there was a group from 1. to 4. place where I was third. I had a plan to attack in the last corner but when I went into the second last corner somebody hit me from the back and I crashed badly. I broke my tibia from two places and fibula from one. The season is over for me which is really disappointing because I saw in Magny Cours that I can fight for the win and try to win in Jerez but now I don't have the opportunity.
The doctor said that I need 6 weeks plasters. After that I start to prepare for next season. I like to thank my sponsors and the EJC people for a really nice season and hope to see you again next year. 

Sommu #38 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Disappointment in Silverstone


Silverstone weekend started good for me in first practise. From the first lap I saw that it was my kind of track. It's fast and flowing. I liked it and in the end of the training I took 5th place. For qualifying I knew everybody will go faster and it wasn't gonna be easy. I also needed slipstream because the wind was against on the long straight. I picked up my speed and then started to find good group. There was only one big group and I knew it was really hard to drive good laptime in the middle of that so I let some gap. On my fast lap I catched the group exactly on the starting straight and in this moment got second time. In the end of the session some more guys improved so i started from 4. in the grid. It was my best starting place this far and my hopes were high. My start was good but when I took a wider line for turn two many guys passed me and after the chicanes i didn't good speed to long straight. On first lap I lost many places. I tried as hard as i could to get back to the front of the group but every time I tried other line to get better speed out of the corner somebody passed me. It lasted like this for five laps and on sixth lap there was a big crash just in front of me in one slow chicane. I managed to avoid bikes laying on the ground but right after that there was red flag. Finally I got 13. place which was a big disappointment when you start from the second row. I have learn from this and try to do better in Nürburgring, which is the only track where I have driven before.

Sommu #38

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Imolast esimesed punktid


Me Imolast tagasi ja tuju laes. Esimesest trennist alates mulle rada väga meeldis ja kohe leidsin mõned kohad kus olin kiire. Kvalifikatsioonis ma pidin leidma kiire grupi kuna ma ise veel rada nii hästi ei tundnud. Õiget gruppi ma aga ei tabanud ja kui viis minutit oli trenni järgi otsustasin üksi proovida. Viimasest kolmest ringist oli kõige viimane kõige parem ja sellega kindlustasin endale kaheksanda stardikoha. Kolmas rida tähendas, mu võimalused esigrupiga minna olid head. Start ei olnud mul kõige parem aga õnneks ma suutsin esimese kurviga kohti tagasi võita. Esimeselt ringilt ma tulin kaheksandana ja olin grupis sees. Ringid möödusid ja mul oli elu võitlus. Koguaeg toimus ka palju kukkumisi ja osa neist oli minu ees. Kui Pittet ja Lewis viimases s-kurvis kukkusid, kaotasin ma natuke aega ja kohti niiet ma kukkusin neljateistkümnendaks. Järgmistel ringidel ma pidin kõik välja panema et gruppi tagasi jõuda ja eelviimasel riingil tegin ma sõidu kõige kiirema ringi ja olin tagasi kaheksas. Viimase ringi viimases osas ma olin valmis mööduma seitsmendaks kui Zanella minu ette kukkus ja ta tsikkel otse trajektooril lebas. Mul polnud kuhugi aega minna niiet ma sõitsin sellele otsa. Ma ei ole päris kindel kuidas aga kuidagi ma sain sellest mootorrattast üle ja maandudes murdsin vasaku lenksu ära ja pidin viimase ringi lõpetama ühe käega. Ma kaotasin kaks kohta peale seda hüpet aga kõikide viimase ringi kukkumistega olin kokku ikkagi kaheksas kiireima ringiga ikka veel minu nimel. Kaheksanda kohaga tulid minu hooaja esimesed punktid ja ma olen selle üle väga õnnelik. Suurimad tänud mu tiimile PZ Motorsport-ile, auto24ring-ile, Honda Baltic-ule mu treenimisvõimaluse eest kodus ja kõigile teistele kes mind toetavad. Nüüd me jätkame tööd samas suunas ja loodame Silverstonest veel paremaid tulemusi.

First points in Imola

Hello all

I'm back from Imola and very happy. From the first practise I loved the track and found some places where I could be fast. In qualifying I knew that I had to find some fast group to drive a fast time because I didn't know the track so well. I didn't find a right group the whole qualifying and when there was five minutes left I decided to try to do my best alone. Finally the last lap was fastest and it put me to the eight place on the grid. Third row meant I had a good chance to go with the first group. The start wasn't very good for me but I could make some places back with the first corner. From the first lap I came on the eight place and held on to the group. As the laps passed I was having a great fight. There were also many crashes and some of them were right in front of me. When Pittet and Lewis crashed in the last chicane I lost some time and places and dropped to 14. I had to push very hard to get myself back into the group and on the penultimate lap I made the fastest lap. I was back on the eight position and was ready to pass for seventh when Zanella crashed in front of me and his bike stayed on the ideal line. I had no time to go anywhere so I crashed straight to the bike but somehow managed to jump over it. Actually I'm not sure how but when I landed I broke my left steering and had to finish the lap with one hand. I lost to places with all that action but I was very lucky to stay on bike. With all the crashes on the last lap I finished 8.  with the fastest lap on my name. These are my first points of the year so I'm very happy. Thanks to my team PZ Motorsport, auto24ring, Honda baltic for the training opportunity at home and all others who support me. Now we continue working this way and try to improve in Silverstone. See you there.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

EJC esimene pool ja eestikad


EJC esimene pool on nüüd läbi aga mul pole mitte ühtegi head nädalavahedust olnud. Aragonis ma alles paranesin oma rangluu vigastusest ja ei saanud eriti kiiresti sõita. Start läks ka tuksi niiet midagi erilist seal ei toimunud.

Asseniks ma tundsin ennast mugavamalt. Ma startisin 17. kuna ma kukkusin keset kvalifikatsiooni ja ei saanud lõpuni sõita niiet parimad ringid jäid sõitmata. Sõidu esimeses kurvis läks mul pikaks ja siis kadus rütm ära niiet esimese grupiga minna ei saanud. Mul oli siiski hea sõit Ebehardiga ja me suutsime meie ees oleva grupi kinni püüda viimaseks ringiks. Mingil hetkel ma olin isegi 15. aga siis ma tegin vea ja ei võtnud sisemist trajektoori viimasesse kurvi ja kogu kari sõitis must mööda. Mitte just parim lahendus võimalikest aga nüüd ma tean.

Monzas ma teadsin et üksi on peaaegu võimatu kiiresti sõita, niiet kogu aeg ma üritasin leida mingit gruppi ja tuule abi. Keset esimest trenni me muutsime natuke seadet ja õnneks paremuse poole. Kvalifikatsiooniks oli tunne okei. Kvalifikatsioon oli muidu kõik okei. Ma leidsin grupi ja sain tuule abiga seal püsida aga ainuke asi mida ma ei leidnud oli kiirus. Stardiks oli pettumustvalmistav 22. Start läks mul hästi ja ma võitsin paar kohta esimese kurviga kuni minu ees oli kukkumine ja mul polnud kuhugi minna. Ma vajusin umbes 2km/h ümber aga sellegipoolest tsikkel suri välja ja ei käivitunud umbes minut. Kui ma lõpuks ta käima sain oli järgmine mees juba pool ringi eest läinud. Niisiis jälle mitte midagi rõõmustavat Monzast.

Kohe kui ma koju jõudsin, pidin kooliasjad korda ajama ja siis kohe Pärnusse eestikate esimesele etapile minema. Ma sõidan seal Superstock 600 klassis Hondaga. Suurimad tänud Honda Baltic-ule mootorratta eest, millega ma seal sõidan. Reedel olid trennid ja laupäeval üks trenn ja kvalifikatsioon. Ma sain stardikohaks 5. aga ma ei leidnud õiget seadet et kiiresti minna. Me muutsime pühapäevaseks warm-upiks natuke mootorratta juures, mis läks küll paremaks aga ikkagi ei olnud päris hea. Võidusõit katkestati esimesel ringil punaste lippudega kuna keegi kukkus esimeses kurvis. Teises stardis ma jäin kohe esimesest grupist maha ja sõitsin kogu sõidu üksinda. Ma lõpetasin viiendana ja nüüd me peame kõvasti tööd tegema ja proovima et saaks õige seade kätte et esimeste meestega minna. Õnneks ma saan testida Auto24ringil iga kolmapäev niiet proovimisvõimalust on küllaga.

Järgmine võidusõit on minujaoks Imola 30. juunil. Selleni on aega niiet ma saan treenida ennast ja valmistuda.

First half of EJC and Estonian championship

Hi all

First half of the EJC is now over but I haven't really had any good weekend. In Aragon I was still recovering from my collarbone injury from pre-season training and couldn't go fast. I also messed up my start and so nothing special from Aragon. 

For Assen I was more confident. I qualifyed 17th as I crashed in the middle of practice and couldn't continue. In race I went wide in the first corner and then lost my rhythm and miss the first group. I had a good race and fight with Ebehard and we catched the guys in front of us for the last lap. I was 15th for some time but then I made a mistake and didn't close the door for last lap and the whole pack passed me. Not the result I was hoping for in the beginning of last lap but now I know for next time. 

For Monza I knew it is difficult to go fast alone so all the trainings I tried to find some slipstream and group. In first practise we made some changes to the bike and felt good for the qualifying. Qualifying went all fine and i found some group but only thing I didn't find was speed. So place 22 in the grid. My start was good and I won some places in the first corner until there was a crash in front of me and I had nowhere to go. I fell down at about 2km/h but still my bike stopped and didn't start for about a minute. When it started I already was half lap behind next guy. So again nothing to laugh about in Monza. 

When I got home I had to fix all my school things and then it was momently the first round of Estonian championship. I compete there in the Superstock 600 class with Honda. Thanks to Honda Baltic for the bike for this. In friday there were trainings and in saturday one training and qualifying. I qualifyed fifth but I didn't find my setup to go faster. We changed something for warm-up sunday morning and it felt a little bit better but not quite it. The race was cancelled by red flag in first lap after a crash in first corner. In the second start I fell behind momently from first group and drove my own race alone. I finished fifth and now we have to test to get the setup to go with first guys. Luckily I can train in Auto24ring every wednesday if i want so I can test different things. 

Next race for me is Imola on 30 june. I have time till that so I can train and prepare.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Aragon test

Tere lugejad

Ma hakkan nüüd kirjutama ka eesti keeles. Esiteks vabandused hilise postituse eest. Me läksime Aragoni trenni märtsi alguses. Me saime tänava Honda CBR 600 PZ Motorspordi käest laenuks ja suured tänud selle eest. Meil oli plaanis teha neli treeningpäeva aga kahjuks suutsime teha ainult ühe täis päeva. Esimesel päeval oli väga külm ja märg ja hotellis sadas isegi lund. Pärastlõunal hakkas rada kuivama ja ma sain minna viimased kaks trenni ja sõita. Ma õppisin puhtalt tundma mootorratast ja rada kuna see oli mu esimene kord Aragoni rajal ja teine kord selle mootorrattaga. Ma sain selgeks kuhu rada pöörab ja see oli juba täitsa hea. Teise päeva hommikul oli jälle külm aga siis ma läksin esimesse trenni. Meil oli kokku päeva jooksul kuus trenni ja nende kuue trenni jooksul mu ringiajad paranesid koguaeg ja ma hakkasin ennast aina mugavamalt tundma mootorratta peal. Ma tundsin võidusõidutsiklite ja enda tänavatsikli kaalu vahet pidurdusmaadel aga see ei olnud nii hull. Arengut näitas see et mu parim ring tuli viimasel ringil kui rehvid olid sõitnud umbes 300 km. See päev oli väga hea. Kolmanda päeva hommikuks panime me alla uued rehvid. Hommik oli jälle väga külm seega me jätsime vahele esimesed kolm trenni ja läksime neljandasse. Kui ma läksin ma tahtsin kohe samast kohast jätkata kus eile pooleli jäi aga kuna oli külm ja uued rehvid ja ma liiga agressiivne gaasiga lennutas tsikkel mind minema. Ma murdsin vasaku randme. See oli väga loll viga minu poolt ja ma isegi ei saa aru kuidas ma seda tegin aga enam ei saa midagi muuta. Ma ei saanud sõita kolmandat ja neljandat päeva trennist seega raisatud aeg. Vabandused tiimi ees. Trenn ei lõppenud hästi aga ma sain raja selgeks ja oma kiiruse tagasi peale talvepuhkust. See on väga tähtis. Nüüd ma ootan Alcarrase trenni European Junior Cup-iga ja siis kohe Aragoni võistlus. 

Aragon test

Hello readers

Firstly sorry for the late post. We went to test in Aragon in beginning of March. We got a street Honda CBR 600 from PZ Motorsport. Thanks for that. We planned to do 4 training days but sadly we can only go one full day. First day it was really really cold and wet and even snow in our hotel. The track started to dry and I could go last two practises. I learned the track and the bike as it was my first time in Aragon and second time on this bike. I got to know where the track turns and it was good enough for the day. Second day morning it was again cold but I went anyway. We had six trainings on the day and I improved my lap times and feeling on the bike went better and better through the day. I could feel the weight difference between racing bikes and my bike on brakings but it was no problem. My best time came on the last lap on the last training when my tires had driven approximately 300km. The day was very good. For the third day we put new tires. It was again really cold in the morning so we skipped first three practises. Then when I went I wanted to start momently and was too agressive on the throttle so I crashed and broke my left wrist. It was damn stupid mistake by me and I can't understand how I did it but I can not change that now. We couldn't ride the third and fourth day of the test. Sorry for the team. The test didn't end well but at least I learnt the track and got my speed back after the winter break. That's good. Now I wait for the Alcarras training with European Junior Cup and then momently Aragon race. Cya.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2K13 - Here I come

Hi guys

Now its February and we have our plans fixed what we will do next year. We will drive European Junior Cup where they use identical Honda CBR 500 2013 and there is 34 fast drivers from around the world. I was picked from many applycants. The serie looks very difficult and when you win the championship you get place in European Superstock 600 team and can drive with Honda. I am really excited for this chance and take everything I can from the year. I think I drive Estonian championship also but it is not sure. I would really like though. When there is any new news I'll let you know.

Calendar 2013:

7 Apr 2013-Alcarras, Spain - Training Camp
14 Apr 2013-Aragon, Spain
28 Apr 2013-Assen, Netherlands
12 May 2013-Monza, Italy
30 Jun 2013-Imola, Italy
4 Aug 2013-Silverstone, England
1 Sep 2013-Nuerburgring, Germany
6 Oct 2013-Magny Cours, France
1 Dec 2013-PLUS ONE ROUND - Date & Location To Be Confirmed

The bike: